If you think manifesting is hard or you simply don't trust the process, here's why. If you are ready to step into Creator of Your Life and call in your dreams and desires as your reality, check out the Conscious Awakening Program go to this link . Starting January 2025.
LET'S ROCK OUT 2025! This teaching is inspired through conversations with the people in my life who are struggling, victorious or stretching themselves. It is inspired by my own feet being held to the fire to stay in a conversation by focusing on "who I'm being" vs "protecting my ego". It is inspired by "wanting for you, what you want for you". The hard part is getting to the easy part - how to manifest your dreams from a place of self-trust and unconditional love of self. There are 4 phases to the Vedic Life. 1. Create 2. Sustain 3. Deconstruct/Shedding 4. Void The Deconstruct and Void prove the most uncomfortable as we are letting go, shedding what no longer serves and then being still - sitting in the void of doing nothing!!! When you are up against something or feeling unsettled, frustrated, anxious or feeling like an ending is coming or you are in the messy middle of it all, you may be in the "shedding phase". When you are feeling lost, unsure, not knowing what's next, we call it the VOID. These phases, when we navigate with conscious awareness is where our growth occurs. We can ask "if this were happening for a higher purpose, what would that be?" We can lean in with curiosity and seek to understand the wisdom and lessons. While uncomfortable, these two phases, Deconstruct and Void, are the most powerful for you awakening to your own magnificence. This video shares the 4 phases and what to expect in each phase. Enjoy! There are times throughout our lives where things aren’t as we would choose. Perhaps, it is a challenge with another, changes in career or relationships, loss of a loved one, or receiving shocking or sad news.
Even embracing the process of aging, where changes are an inevitable part of life. Richard Rohr says, "There's nothing that grows us spiritually more than great suffering and great love." So how to do we move through these moments and times with grace." Grace, represents a loving presence, embracing to what is. Grace represents flow, ease a quality of moving in a smooth, relaxed way. It involves releasing the ego and embracing all parts of our experience, including all of our emotions. All of the things we struggle with and we don’t have answers to is the portal to who we are as pure consciousness. In this free activation, I share how to move through challenging times (even if it is a conflict you won't win) with GRACE. Your minds job is to keep you alive, keep you safe and protect you at all costs. It listens to your inner and outer voice. You can choose what you think and say, but you cannot choose how the mind responds. The rules of the mind is about how to control your mind so you can play a bigger game and live a life you love living. “You cannot make progress without making decisions” Jim Rohn
Not making a decision can be draining. Making decisions is so powerful. Decisions are what makes up our life. Making clear decisions sets us up for our life. “If you don’t know what road you are on, any road will take you there” There have been times in my life where I didn’t have a plan and it scared me. When I’ve found a mentor to guide me. It got me in the right direction and opened my blind spots. For me, investing in myself has been the best decision. It helps me to regain my own trust. Trust happens when you take action steps into your dream, one step at a time. Consider what it would look like to rise above the uncertainty and make a decision. “Decisions are the hardest thing to make especially when you have a choice about where you are and where you want to be.” Life is a series of choices, choose wisely. Burn out is real and if you let it go on, can impact all areas of your life from health, to relationships, joy and vitality. These 3 short video's explain: 1. Signs you are Burnt out 2. First steps to begin recovery 3. Listening to your body wisdom - come back home to you. It is possible to feel fulfilled and successful in your relationship, as a parent and in your career. In other words, you can have it all. These video's will show you how. Our survival or limbic brain is designed to keep us safe. But it also keeps us small and gets in the way of us achieving our biggest dreams and desires. When you are aware when it is “on”, you can lovingly and gently put it away and create a life you love living.