There are times throughout our lives where things aren’t as we would choose. Perhaps, it is a challenge with another, changes in career or relationships, loss of a loved one, or receiving shocking or sad news.
Even embracing the process of aging, where changes are an inevitable part of life. Richard Rohr says, "There's nothing that grows us spiritually more than great suffering and great love." So how to do we move through these moments and times with grace." Grace, represents a loving presence, embracing to what is. Grace represents flow, ease a quality of moving in a smooth, relaxed way. It involves releasing the ego and embracing all parts of our experience, including all of our emotions. All of the things we struggle with and we don’t have answers to is the portal to who we are as pure consciousness. In this free activation, I share how to move through challenging times (even if it is a conflict you won't win) with GRACE. Your minds job is to keep you alive, keep you safe and protect you at all costs. It listens to your inner and outer voice. You can choose what you think and say, but you cannot choose how the mind responds. The rules of the mind is about how to control your mind so you can play a bigger game and live a life you love living. “You cannot make progress without making decisions” Jim Rohn
Not making a decision can be draining. Making decisions is so powerful. Decisions are what makes up our life. Making clear decisions sets us up for our life. “If you don’t know what road you are on, any road will take you there” There have been times in my life where I didn’t have a plan and it scared me. When I’ve found a mentor to guide me. It got me in the right direction and opened my blind spots. For me, investing in myself has been the best decision. It helps me to regain my own trust. Trust happens when you take action steps into your dream, one step at a time. Consider what it would look like to rise above the uncertainty and make a decision. “Decisions are the hardest thing to make especially when you have a choice about where you are and where you want to be.” Life is a series of choices, choose wisely. Burn out is real and if you let it go on, can impact all areas of your life from health, to relationships, joy and vitality. These 3 short video's explain: 1. Signs you are Burnt out 2. First steps to begin recovery 3. Listening to your body wisdom - come back home to you. It is possible to feel fulfilled and successful in your relationship, as a parent and in your career. In other words, you can have it all. These video's will show you how. Our survival or limbic brain is designed to keep us safe. But it also keeps us small and gets in the way of us achieving our biggest dreams and desires. When you are aware when it is “on”, you can lovingly and gently put it away and create a life you love living.
Do you trust your gut instinct? Your intuition? How often do you notice it and take a pause to check in with it?
Your intuition lives literally in your gut. We have 11 billions bits of information coming into our cells and tissues every millisecond and they all land in our gut. If we are living in our body, where we sense and feel, our intuition will guide us towards our greater good. Many people however, are living in their heads and try to use logic and reason - which can work some of the time. But when it comes to following a path unfollowed or make decisions for our life, it is often based on our past experiences, what others want for us or societal norms. Our passions and purpose operate on another level. Have you ever followed a dream or vision that was beyond logic? That on paper didn’t make a lot of sense? Your Intuition is beyond logic. It is about heart, passions, purpose, a vision, a dream. Think of all the great pioneers, inventors and leaders who had a vision about a future or something that had not been created yet. It’s that. Intuition, gives you information neutrally and unemotionally. It’s “go this way”. Not now. Yes now. Nope, not that. Intuition has a compassionate and affirming tone to it. When you are connected and deeply sensing and feeling, it is clear. Even if it doesn’t make sense in the moment. Intuition is conveyed with an unattached sensation. It’s an inner knowing. How do we know what intuition isn’t?
How to you listen in.
In this video you will learn why breathing helps EVERYTHING you do, feel and even think. While breathing is natural, over our life, stress and traumas happen and unless we know how to release it from our body we can get stuck in a stress response. And, if we get stuck there for too long, it affects our health, circulation, can contribute autoimmune disease, elimination, blood flow, brain health. The good news is, when we return to our natural breath and use different breathing techniques to stimulate different responses in our body, it can also be used to heal emotionally, heal physically and heal mentally. Watch this powerful and insightful video and practice the 1 minute breathing exercises and notice how you feel. Reach out me for more tools and techniques to support your healing journey and ultimately creating a life you love living. Enjoy more energy, vitality, passion and purpose. How do you know when you are experiencing anxiety or panic attacks? This is important. You know from the body sensations right? Racing heart, light headedness or dizziness. Constricted throat, shaking legs. What's happening? Somewhere the mind is perceiving a threat and has gone into fight, flight or freeze (symphathetic nervous system response) and is pumping out adrenaline getting you ready to handle the threat. Only, the threat is usually based on "what if's". But the body doesn't know it. Then, we get uncomfortable and FEAR the body sensations, which escalates them and now you are in what we call AN ATTACK OR EPISODE. The antedote to this is in this video. But coles notes version - go to the sensations. Feel the sensations, welcome them. Rather than fighting them as in quick sand and sinking deeper, we hop on a surf board and ride the wave until the wave peeters out. FREE MASTER CLASS THURSDAY APRIL 11 - 5PM PST. MASTER YOUR ENERGY FIELD AND REGAIN YOUR HEALTH AND VITALITY Go to home page to register: https://www.intentionallife.ca/ Anxiety is all a form of energy. In this case excess energy in one area and too little in another. Learn how to love into your body and get control of what's happening. When you are triggered "which part" shows up? I love this simplified explanation from Terry Real, an expert in Relationships. There are three parts of us and when we are in a triggered moment, our Wise Adult (which lives in the prefrontal cortex) goes off-line. When you are triggered, the Wise Adult goes off-line, and the Wounded or Adaptive Child shows up and defaults to 1 or 3 behaviors - fight, flight or fix. All of which are unproductive.
When you catch yourself..... I'm triggered. STOP - let your partner or person know that you need a few minutes to gather yourself as you want this conversation to be productive but you know in this moment you won't handle it well. Remove yourself - but come back or check back in the agreed time frame. This is the start to changing patterns that elevate conflict. Remember, whoever you are in conflict with is someone that matters to you. Adopting an US VS THE PROBLEM instead of ME VS YOU approach is going to bring love and connection to the situation. In the workplace I may use words like WORKABILITY VS ATTACHMENT. It is all to do with moving the protective personality out of the way and focusing on the best outcome for all involved. |