There are times throughout our lives where things aren’t as we would choose. Perhaps, it is a challenge with another, changes in career or relationships, loss of a loved one, or receiving shocking or sad news.
Even embracing the process of aging, where changes are an inevitable part of life. Richard Rohr says, "There's nothing that grows us spiritually more than great suffering and great love." So how to do we move through these moments and times with grace." Grace, represents a loving presence, embracing to what is. Grace represents flow, ease a quality of moving in a smooth, relaxed way. It involves releasing the ego and embracing all parts of our experience, including all of our emotions. All of the things we struggle with and we don’t have answers to is the portal to who we are as pure consciousness. In this free activation, I share how to move through challenging times (even if it is a conflict you won't win) with GRACE.