Do you trust your gut instinct? Your intuition? How often do you notice it and take a pause to check in with it?
Your intuition lives literally in your gut. We have 11 billions bits of information coming into our cells and tissues every millisecond and they all land in our gut. If we are living in our body, where we sense and feel, our intuition will guide us towards our greater good. Many people however, are living in their heads and try to use logic and reason - which can work some of the time. But when it comes to following a path unfollowed or make decisions for our life, it is often based on our past experiences, what others want for us or societal norms. Our passions and purpose operate on another level. Have you ever followed a dream or vision that was beyond logic? That on paper didn’t make a lot of sense? Your Intuition is beyond logic. It is about heart, passions, purpose, a vision, a dream. Think of all the great pioneers, inventors and leaders who had a vision about a future or something that had not been created yet. It’s that. Intuition, gives you information neutrally and unemotionally. It’s “go this way”. Not now. Yes now. Nope, not that. Intuition has a compassionate and affirming tone to it. When you are connected and deeply sensing and feeling, it is clear. Even if it doesn’t make sense in the moment. Intuition is conveyed with an unattached sensation. It’s an inner knowing. How do we know what intuition isn’t?
How to you listen in.
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